Macrophage polarization is linked to activation of the ligan
Macrophage polarization is linked to activation of the ligand-dependent transcription factor PPARγ. Recently, Odegaard et al. demonstrated with a macrophage-specific deletion of PPARγ in mice that alternative macrophage activation is impaired [14]. We provided evidence that contact to apoptotic Hydroxyurea (AC) activates PPARγ, inducing PPRE-driven transactivation in RAW 264.7 MΦ [15]. Because the PPARγ-activating principle remains obscure we analyzed AC to search for the MΦ polarization principle. We established a stable PPRE-driven reporter system in RAW 264.7 MΦ with mRuby and firefly luciferase as reporter genes. Based on the hypothesis that a potential activating principle/factor most likely is associated with the cell membrane, possibly associated to lipid rafts, we analyzed the expression of potential proteins associated with lipid rafts of AC and identified 5-LO as the most rational candidate. Lipid rafts of AC, containing active 5-LO stimulated PPARγ, whereas lipid rafts of living cells (LC) did not. The association of 5-LO with lipid rafts in AC and its activation are required to polarize MΦ, a process that may be of relevance during the hypo-inflammatory phase of sepsis.
Materials and methods
The phenotype switch from classically activated (M1) to polarized MΦ (M2) is an important mechanism to guarantee wound healing and resolution of inflammation [24], [25]. In sepsis this switch is associated with the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis), occurring in a later phase of the disease. Upon contact/clearance of apoptotic cells, MΦ start to switch their phenotype to become anti-inflammatory. Having accomplished efferocytosis these M2-like macrophages shift to the so called regulatory macrophages (Mres), which leave the tissue towards the lymph vessels, finally reaching lymphoid organs, where they deliver homeostatic signals to antigen presenting cells (10). In sepsis this mechanism, significantly attenuating immune response, is disadvantageous. The primary infection might reoccur or secondary opportunistic infections might progress [26]. Therefore, we aimed at identifying how apoptotic cells induce the MΦ phenotype shift. The ligand dependent transcription factor PPARγ has been associated with this macrophage phenotype by remodeling energy metabolism from the glycolytic M1 to fatty acid-burning M2 MΦ, that also upregulate M2-specifig genes, such as arginase-I [14], [27], [28], [29]. With this knowledge, we determined how AC activate PPARγ in MΦ. In corroboration with our previous data, showing PPARγ activation in response to contact with AC [15], we observed PPRE-driven transactivation in RAW 264.7 MΦ upon their contact with apoptotic Jurkat and EL4 cells, whereas necrotic and living cells remained inactive. During apoptosis exposure of the recognition molecule phosphatidylserine (PS) [30] occurs, presumably in cholesterol-rich lipid rafts [31], to support the hypothesis of lipid raft integrity during T cell apoptosis. We assume that lipid rafts as small signaling platforms [32], are responsible for PPARγ activation. Thus we designed experiments to enrich lipid raft fractions of the cell membrane. Although several molecules have been identified to communicate between AC and MΦ [33], it still remains obscure, how PPARγ is activated in MΦ in response to AC. Recently, Czimmerer et al. provided evidence that IL-4 stimulation of MΦ provoking an alternatively activated phenotype as well, induces the expression of LOX-15, monoamino oxidase A (MAOA), and ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 (ENPP2), whose activities can potentially generate endogenous PPARγ ligands [34].
We suggest 5-LO localized in apoptotic cells rather than MΦ to contribute to PPRE activation. However, 5-LO expression, not even its overexpression, is sufficient to activate PPARγ in MΦ. One explanation could be substrate supply for 5-LO activity which might be released during apoptosis. Thus, induction of apoptosis seems to activate the enzyme, allowing the synthesis of PPARγ activating compounds. The formation of ROS by the respiratory chain during apoptosis may provide an activation signal for 5-LO activity. In support of this assumption 5-oxo-ETE has been shown to be the major oxidative stress-induced arachidonate metabolite in B cells [35], [36] but this mechanism still needs clarification for apoptotic T cells. Blocking PPARγ activation in MΦ when N-acetyl-cysteine was added during apoptosis induction of T cells, indeed supports a role of ROS in 5-LO activation/translocation in T cells. Taking into consideration that 5-LO activity is mainly associated with its peri- or intranuclear localization [37], one possibility to explain 5-LO translocation to lipid rafts of apoptotic T cells might be the occurrence of lipid droplets in dying T cells [38]. These lipid bodies contain 5-LO as well as its activator FLAP [39] and their fusion with the cell membrane might illustrate the association of 5-LO with lipid rafts in apoptotic T cells. Moreover, stress-induced nuclear export of 5-LO might be a second alternative [40]. In B cells 5-LO localization to lipid rafts has already been shown [41], [42], despite mechanistic data remain elusive.